video trailers, documentations for choreographer doris uhlich. live video at impulstanz vienna opening 2015, museumsquartier.
Category: Art
ringwarte light house
A temporary light house installed at Ringwarte, erected 1906 on the mountain Ringkogel overlooking Hartberg, styria. A place which was used already for fryctorias in middle age, now blue blinking lights represent the 5 municipalities forming the Economic Region Hartberg. In cooperation with Eugen Schöberl. Commissioned by profacto-art for Wirtschaftsregion Hartberg
a series of events that will be hosted and recorded during the Rundgang / academy of fine arts vienna. Starting 24.01.2013
an exhibition opening: 15.12.2012, 19h at the ASA Studios // Hamburg
DOCK – Festivalzentrum REGIONALE XII st.lambrecht
The gestaltungs team OCTO–R which I’m running with Christina Romirer realized the REGIONALE12 festival centre at Stift St. Lambrecht, Murau, Styria. OCTO–R gestaltete das Erdgeschoß des barocken Stiftsgarten-Pavillons in Kooperation mit lokalen Handwerksbetrieben in ein Festivalzentrum der besonderen Art um. Das Interieur ist dem Bild eines Hafens nachempfunden. Als Knotenpunkt der Interaktion, des Austausches… Continue reading DOCK – Festivalzentrum REGIONALE XII st.lambrecht
simple bar
a very simple bar for a performance dinner YOU CAN BE MY DOUBLE IF I CAN BE YOURS – SCREENING, PERFORMANCES UND DINNER, 20.01.2012 Semperdepot, Vienna
hotel charleroi
taking part in project hotel charleroi for a week in july
taking part in exhibition project “und adaption”
in cooperation with CELLULITE ROSE
und adaption
a collaborative exhibition project in an former glasblowing shop